The Dirty G Word

The Dirty G Word

We are about to get filthy, baby.

I’m going to use a very dirty word. Half of you will leave this site in disgust.

Trigger warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and fans of Justin Beiber should walk away now


Here is the dirty word


Whhaaaattttt? What’s wrong with me? this is a family site, dammit!

The G word has become an insult in many circles. Even the so called spiritual ones, mention it and people will be turned off.

The term has been used so thousands of years by fucking idiots who had no idea what it means, so much so it has lost all its meaning.

God now means:

  • That weirdo who likes to watch you masturbate. Yeah baby, you touch that…..thingy

  • That angry asshole who will willing to murder people for the smallest of mistakes

  • The bigot who hates women, cripples, homosexuals, lower castes, people of other religion, no religion; everyone, basically

  • The school master whose only job is to look at all your mistakes and punish you. Naughty boy, looking down a woman’s blouse when you should have been working! Here, get ready to be caned

So God is an angry, sexually deviant asshole with the self discipline of a four year old. Prayers start at 11am!

Yeah, I don’t think so.

What the Fuck is God then?

I don’t know. The thing is, the Divine is unknowable by definition.

That’s why words like the Spirit, the Unknown, Being, Universal Intelligence, are better choices (but of course they have their own problems).

The problem is, anytime you use the G word, people will form their own mental images of what you are talking about. And the Divine cannot be understood by the mind, since it is far beyond the thinking mind.

The God that most people worship…

… is actually their ego.

The ego is vengeful and demonic, always willing to attack others, to show them their place, to kill anyone who disagrees with it.

The ego is the devil, but most religions have elevated it to God.

The ego creates a God just like itself, and worships it. And that is why it hates the real God, for it knows it is wrong, and fears retribution.

So what is God again?

God is the underlying Spirit, the Divine presence in all of us, the fabric of the universe.

We are all God. God is our breath, our very consciousness. It is our very essence, a part of us, our truest being.

And that is why saying crap like You should be scared of God. God will judge you is so stupid. As is thinking God can get “angry” at anything we do.

To be angry or judgemental requires an ego. An ego is born of the mind. The mind filled with darkness is the home of the ego.

And as we have seen, the Spirit is beyond the mind. Even a mind filled with Light is not God, but it can at least understand, at a deep level, that it is part of something bigger, that it won’t die when the body and the mind die.

In the Divine, there is no ego to react to you. God also doesn’t “love” you in the normal sense of the word. God is Love. The Love we feel for our fellow humans, without any expectation, or the joy we feel when see a beautiful sunset or river, or the compassion we feel for the suffering for our brothers, that is God.

God could better be described as a state of being, a state of consciousness. There is no “God” out there. It is just a state of being that anyone of us can reach. Anyone of us can touch this God Consciousness at any time, though mental preparation is required.

Think of God as Your Own Self. As the Teacher told me,

You ARE what You Worship